Nuisances & emergencies
First of all, we are sorry to hear your neighbours are causing you distress. The tension this causes can certainly interfere with your enjoyment of your home. . Woonhave aims to offer you a stress-free living environment. Therefore, there should be no noise—audible outside the premises in question—after 11pm.
If you are experiencing nuisances, the following steps can act as a guide:
Step 1
First, talk to the neighbours concerned, keep it friendly but be clear.
Step 2
If you have reached an agreement but it is not upheld and the nuisance continues, inform the neighbour in question that you will consult with Woonhave. Submit a written complaint to Woonhave. This means your complaint is on record.
Step 3
Woonhave will try to reach a solution with both the complainant and the neighbour causing a nuisance. It would certainly help if you kept a log of the facts, with date and time. You need to address your compaint in writing. Our preference is online:
Step 4
If the nuisance is such that it affects your enjoyment of your home for a prolonged period of time and to a serious extent, and if it is a demonstrable case of intent and high frequency, you as a tenant can, via Woonhave, ask the Court to dissolve the tenancy agreement with the nuisance creator. Should things get to this point, multiple neighbours will probably be called as witnesses. In the end, the Court will decide. This is, however, a long process which may take years and therefore, in our opinion, is the final step.
Call us
Please feel free to contact us by phone. We can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 am to 1.00 pm. We’re available outside office hours 24/7 for emergencies and urgent matters that really can’t wait.
Call now 010 - 268 5555