Service charges

What are service charges?

In addition to the (base) rent, Woonhave may charge the tenant a monthly sum for services. These are the service charges. The service charges are, e/g: the costs of cleaning the common areas, the costs of a concierge, the costs of electricity used in the common areas and installations.

Only actual costs may be charged. y the end of each settlement period, you will receive a cost report. You may have paid too much or too little. You will subsequently get some of your money back or receive a request to pay extra.

Call us

Need help?

Please feel free to contact us by phone. We can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 am to 1.00 pm. We’re available outside office hours 24/7 for emergencies and urgent matters that really can’t wait.

Call now 010 - 268 5555
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