Change in your situation
Are you both contracting parties to the rental agreement or married? Then both of you need to submit a signed statement, saying who will leave (and terminate his/her part in the rental agreement) and who will stay in the property. You can easily request this on My Woonhave at
Are you not both contracting parties or married? In that case, only the main tenant can terminate the agreement. If the partner (co-resident) wishes to become the main tenant, several conditions must be met. Submit any changes via My Woonhave at If you need assistance, you can call us by phone via 010 – 268 5555 (option 3).
Administrative costs may apply if an attachment to the rental agreement or a new rental agreement must be composed.
Call us
Please feel free to contact us by phone. We can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 am to 1.00 pm. We’re available outside office hours 24/7 for emergencies and urgent matters that really can’t wait.
Call now 010 - 268 5555