Moving out

In what condition must I leave the rental home?

In general, the house or apartment should be delivered in a good condition. The holes in the wall should be fixed and the walls should be painted in a neutral/white color if you have changed this yourself. It is also required that the flooring is removed (included the glue residue). Nno furniture should left behind. The house should be cleaned and empty. The exact way in which you must hand over the house to us is displayed in our “Guideline for leaving your house behind, when the lease is terminated”. This document is currenty only in Dutch. You will receive this with our confirmation of your cancellation. Here you’ll find the prices.

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Need help?

Please feel free to contact us by phone. We can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 am to 1.00 pm. We’re available outside office hours 24/7 for emergencies and urgent matters that really can’t wait.

Call now 010 - 268 5555
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