Nuisances & emergencies

Help, I have lost my keys! Now what?

Check whether the key is really gone, because Woonhave does not have a spare key for your home. We only have keys to common areas and entryways.

The costs of replacing the lock are for you. So, make sure you have given a spare key to friends/neighbours.

During office hours we can help you with a lock smith. Call us at 010-268 55 55. Outside office hours, you will have to get a lock smith yourself. In both cases, the costs are for you.

Call us

Need help?

Please feel free to contact us by phone. We can be reached on working days from 8:30 am to 5 pm. We’re available outside office hours 24/7 for emergencies and urgent matters that really can’t wait.

Call now 010 - 268 5555
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